I am a Ph.D candidate studying at Security Optimization Lab (SORLab) in Seoul National University, advised by professor Yunheung Paek.
My current research topics are Privacy Enhancing Computing Systems as well as Hardware/System/AI Security, focusing on performance and accuracy enhancements of when adapting Fully Homomorphic Encryption to specific applications such as MLaaS. I have also participated in research related to Trusted Execution Environment, Multi-Party Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Post-Quantum Cryptography.
More information can be found in my Curriculum Vitae. You can also navigate pages of this webpage including Publications. If you are interested or have questions about my research, please feel free to contact me.
I am graduating in Feb. 2026, and am looking for a position where I can continue my research career in academia.
Phone: (+82) 10-2443-7250, or just 010-2443-7250 if you are in Korea
Lab Location: Room 516-1 Building no.# 302 Seoul National University</p>
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