Kevin Nam

Ph.D Candidate, SORLab, Seoul National University


My blog is under severe but lazy reconstruction!!

I am a Ph.D candidate studying in Security Optimization Lab in Seoul National University, advised by professor Yunheung Paek. My technical background is based on hardware design, but I am currently actively performing research topics related to privacy preserving techniques, such as fully homomorphic encryption, Trusted Execution Environments, and Multi-Party Computation.


Aug 19, 2024 LOHEN is accepted in USENIX Security `25
Jun 9, 2023 I won the ASK 2023 NIPA Director Award
Jul 15, 2022 XHEC got accepted in ICCAD 2022
Dec 21, 2021 I got awarded by the Undang Academic Award (link)
Nov 7, 2015 A long announcement with details


  1. Security‘25
    LOHEN: Layer-wise Optimizations for Neural Network Inferences over Encrypted Data with high Performance or Accuracy (To Appear)
    K. Nam, Y. Joo, D. Lee, and 4 more authors
    34th USENIX security symposium (USENIX security 25) 2025
  2. ICCAD‘22
    Accelerating N-bit Operations over TFHE on Commodity CPU-FPGA
    K. NamH. OhH. Moon, and 1 more author
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) 2022
  3. MeetGo: A trusted execution environment for remote applications on FPGA
    Hyunyoung OhKevin Nam, Seongil Jeon, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Access 2021
  4. ICCSA‘23
    Area-Efficient Accelerator for the Full NTRU-KEM Algorithm
    Yongseok Lee, Kevin Nam, Youyeon Joo, and 3 more authors
    Springer LNCS ICCSA 2023 Proceedings 2023