
Kevin Nam

Ph.D. Candidate
Seoul National University
kvnam (at) sor.snu.ac.kr

About Me

I am a Ph.D candidate studying at Security Optimization Lab (SORLab) in Seoul National University, advised by professor Yunheung Paek. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the same university. My current research topics are focused on Privacy Enhancing Computing Systems as well as Hardware/System/AI Security. I served my mandatory military service at the ROK Air Force.

Back when I was an undergraduate student, I led a project team to design our own 3D scanner and printer platform. My role was to design an efficient graph translator and stacking algorithm and implement it as a hardware on a customized chip. I had the chance to present our work in CES2016, where several people gave me comments about potential security issues of our platform. That was the moment when I began to be interested in security and privacy research. I have been studying HW security topics such as isolation and Trusted Execution Environments. From 2021, my research interests have expanded to privacy-preserving techniques. My core research vision is to design Privacy Enhacning Computing Systems, where multiple Privacy-Enhancing Techniques (PETs) are adaptively used to preserve the private information of users when running applications such as MLaaS, while offerring competitive performance with the aid of HW acceleration and system optimizations such as customized compilers.

You can find most of the information below on my Curriculum Vitae, if you prefer accessing via PDF.



Research Experience

Some representative projects with fundings that I have worked on are :

Honors and Awards

I also was granted for scholarships

Miscellaneous (rather gibberish)

I used to play baseball a lot as a short-stop position during my undergraduate years. I really wanted to be a pitcher but seems that my elbow is not strong enough even for a university division. I also liked to develop gadgets that I suddenly got interested in such as electric wheel for bicycles. I began having hands-on works on computer security during my military service.

I like watching Formula 1. Great fan of Red Bull Racing. Sometimes I also watch Le Mans and Daytona 24 hour races as white noise during coding.

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