
General Information

Full Name Kevin Nam
Date of Birth August 7th, 1995
Languages French, English, Korean


  • 2019
    Seoul National University (SNU)
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Research Experience

  • 2023-Now
    NoZero-Error Computing Neural Networks over Encrypted Data:Beyond Mathematical Methods (funded by NRF)
    • Research on designing efficient and accurate neural network services over encrypted data using various non-mathematical approaches.
  • 2023
    Neural Network Program to FHE Transpiler (funded by ETRI)
    • Designing a transpiling process from neural network programs (e.g., Tensorflow, PyTorch) to FHE programs (e.g., MS SEAL, TFHE-rs).
  • 2023-Now
    Secure and Efficient CKKS Computation on Cloud (funded by CryptoLab)
    • This project's goal is to design a secure and efficient technique to compute CKKS on cloud environment. This is a cornerstone research to develop a SaaS on cloud.
  • 2023-Now
    Accurate Privacy-Preserving RNN (funded by National Intelligence Service)
    • This project's goal is to design a privacy-preserving RNN. Similar to the previous year's work, we aim to find a new approach in efficiently implementing Privacy Preserving Techniques for accurate RNN computing, which would lead to huge models as transformers.
  • 2022
    Implementing Zero-error PPAI (funded by National Intelligence Service)
    • This project was funded by NIS to design a Zero-error Privacy Preserving AI inference framework. The framework is implemented using multiple privacy-preserving techniques.
  • 2022
    FPGA Accelerator for CKKS (funded by CryptoLab)
    • This project was funded by CryptoLab to design FPGA accelerator for the well-known specific FHE scheme, CKKS. This is a cornerstone research to develop HW Intellectual Property for CryptoLab.
  • 2021
    FPGA Accelerator for FHE (funded by National Intelligence Service)
    • This project was funded by NIS to design HW accelerator to accelerate FHE computation.
  • 2020-2024
    Post-Quantum-Cryptography Hardware Accelerator (w. Samsung LSI)
    • This project's goal is to design PQC modules that are to be implemented in devices (e.g., smartphoes, IPTV) as HW components. As co-team manager, I participated in most of the process from algorithm analysis to HW implementation.

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • ASK2023 NIPA Director Award, KIPS
  • 2021
    • Undang Academic Award, KIPS
  • 2021
    • ASK2021 Best Paper Award, ASK2021

Academic Interests

  • HW Security
    • HW monitoring
    • Black-boxing HW modules
  • Privacy Preserving Techniques
    • Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)
    • Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
    • Multi-Party Computing (MPC)
  • HW Acceleration
    • FPGA Accelerators
    • Processing in Memory
    • Accelerating Privacy Preserving Techniques

Prog. Languages & HW EDA Tools

  • C, C++, Python, Verilog, Java, Xilinx(Vivado, Vitis, HLS), Cadence(Xcelium), Synopsys(Design Compiler) etc.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Baseball, Painting etc.