
Kevin Nam

Ph.D. Candidate
Seoul National University
kvnam (at) sor.snu.ac.kr


You can also refer to my Google Scholar profile or my curriculum vitae.

Next to the names, a single star (*) denotes authors who equally contributed, and two stars (**) denotes corresponding authors.

International Conference Papers

  1. ASPLOS`25
    Affinity-based Optimizations for TFHE on Processing-in-DRAM
    Kevin Nam, Heonhui Jung, Hyunyoung Oh**, Yunheung Paek**
    The 30th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS`25), 2025.

  2. USENIX Security`25
    LOHEN: Layer-wise Optimizations for Neural Network Inferences over Encrypted Data with high Performance or Accuracy
    Kevin Nam, Youyeon Joo, Donju Lee, Seungjin Ha, Hyunyoung Oh, Hyungon Moon**, Yunheung Paek**
    The 34th USENIX security symposium (USENIX Security`25), 2025.

  3. ICCSA`23
    Area-Efficient Accelerator for the Full NTRU-KEM Algorithm
    Yongseok Lee, Kevin Nam, Youyeon Joo, Jihwan Kim, Hyunyoung Oh**,, Yunheung Paek**
    The International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 2023.

  4. ICCAD`22
    Accelerating N-bit Operations over TFHE on Commodity CPU-FPGA
    Kevin Nam, Hyunyoung Oh, Hyungon Moon**, Yunheung Paek**
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD`22), 2022.

International Journal Publications

  1. IEEE Access
    An Efficient Hardware/Software Co-design for FALCON on Low-End Embedded Systems
    Yongseok Lee*, Jonghee Youn*, Kevin Nam, Heonhui Jung, Myunghyun Cho, Jinmyung Na, Jong-Yeon Park, Seungsu Jeon, Bogyeong Kang, Hyunyoung Oh**, Yunheung Paek**
    IEEE Access

  2. IEEE Access
    MeetGo: A trusted execution environment for remote applications on FPGA
    Hyungyoung oh, Kevin Nam, Seongil Jeon, Yeongpil Cho**, Yunheung Paek**
    IEEE Access

International Poster Presentations

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